© 2025 DomainTools
DomainTools® and DomainTools™ are owned by DomainTools, all rights reserved.
DomainTools reaches nearly all of the Internet to bring you the best-in-class intelligence on threats in near-real-time. Give yourself the ability to act before bad actors do.
We enumerate newly discovered or active domains, IPs and hostnames so you can anticipate nascent campaigns.
Identify newly registered domains across the Internet for early awareness.
Our security products can help you find out if a domain name is risky, who’s behind it, and what other cyber-assets are associated with it.
Stay ahead of cyber threats by identifying and mitigating risky IPs with real-time threat intelligence.
Discover a predictive block list across domains that is published daily.
Predict the risk level and likely threats from domains and IP addresses before they do damage. Risk Feeds contain all data while hotlists are highly filtered based on risk score and traffic.
Stay ahead of cyber threats by identifying and mitigating risky IPs with real-time threat intelligence.
Discover a predictive block list across domains that is published daily.
Add DomainTools’ threat intelligence data to your own applications and processes with API access.
Receive immediate context on indicators to bolster triage, response, and defense.
Enumerate threat actor infrastructure in near real-time using best-in-class passive DNS.
We make connections and assign risk to everything we see and find. And we find a lot.
Built on
of engineering experience and threat knowledge
Access to
of open-source data points
Reaches into
of the full internet