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DomainTools® and DomainTools™ are owned by DomainTools, all rights reserved.
Leverage our daily predictive risk scoring feeds and gain a risk-based view of newly registered or updated hosts, IPs and domains.
Stay ahead of cyber threats by identifying and mitigating risky IPs with real-time threat intelligence.
Discover a predictive block list across domains that is published daily.
Drawing upon data points from more than 390 million current Internet domains, DomainTools Risk Score predicts how likely a domain is to be malicious, often before it is weaponized. The score comes from two distinct algorithms: Proximity and Threat Profile. Proximity evaluates the likelihood a domain may be part of an attack by analyzing how closely connected it is to other known-bad domains. Threat Profile leverages machine learning to model how closely a domain’s intrinsic properties resemble others used for spam, phishing, or malware.
Our security products can help you find out if a domain name is risky, who’s behind it, and what other cyber-assets are associated with it.
See the full Iris Platform, powered by the gold standard in Internet intelligence
Plug into the world’s largest passive DNS intelligence solution
Quickly predict the associated risk and threats of a domain or IP address.
API access to data sets for flexible use in commercial and home-grown tools.