© 2025 DomainTools
DomainTools® and DomainTools™ are owned by DomainTools, all rights reserved.
There are an estimated five billion connected users on the Internet. Over 100M new domains are registered every year. That’s a lot of Internet to keep track of.
The DomainTools Iris platform gives you focused access to the gold standard in Internet intelligence. Or add our threat intelligence feeds or direct API subscriptions to your program, and never be caught off-guard.
Platform, APIs and Data
Detect and monitor spoofed or lookalike domains to get ahead of attacks.
Enrich on-network indicators with the freshest data, at scale, in near-real-time.
Map adversary
infrastructure and streamline investigations.
Use comprehensive, passive DNS data for near real-time and historical context.
Threat Intelligence Feeds
Predict the risk level and likely threats from domains and IP addresses before they do damage.
Anticipate nascent campaigns with the freshest data on newly discovered or active domains, IPs and hostnames.
We make connections and assign risk to everything we see and find. And we find a lot.
Built on
of engineering experience and threat knowledge
Access to
of open-source data points
Reaches into
of the full internet
Use the most extensive platform and data to power your program.
With near-real-time visibility into 97% of the Internet, you can detect threats earlier in their lifecycle without adding noise.
DomainTools gives you the data and insight necessary to understand what’s happening on the Internet that might pose a threat.
Near-real-time visibility gives you the upper hand in seeing attacker infrastructure as it’s built, before attacks are launched.
Predictive risk scoring, with full-Internet context, lets you know which threats are critical and how to stop them in their tracks.