
What is Dropping Names and how do I use it?


What is Dropping Names and how do I use it?

Dropping Names provides DomainTools members access to search for domains that previous owners forget to renew or wish not to renew. This tool provides users with a list of domains that are about to become available with other data; users can sort, search and filter these domain results in order to possibly purchase potentially valuable domain names.
To use this tool:
1. Log in to your DomainTools account.
2. Click on the Buy Domains tab and then click the link for Dropping Names. The Dropping Names will be presented last in the list along the secondary navigation bar.
3. A table appears listing links to soon-to-be dropped domains according to potential Drop Date.
4. Click on any link located next to the Auction Date to view domains according to criteria (ie. number of characters, age or Yahoo/DMOZ). A list of domains appear. will hold the auction on the given date; navigate to on that date to purchase domains in auction.

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